The New Homepage and Logo


Hi and welcome to the new Ludosity Interactive site. I thought that with this blog post I would explain why we have chosen to change our homepage and logo. I'll try to keep it short, so let's start with the homepage.

The Homepage

We wanted to create an easy navigated homepage with simplified design and also be able to update the homepage from wherever we are. So the whole homepage is built with WordPress system for easy and accessible updating. We also chose brighter colors to match our future needs and customer. Since we are a serious game company we think this new color theme is more attractable for our business2business.

The Logo

The logo is designed as a play button. Ludosity, which comes from the Latin word ludus, mean to play or games, so we chose to design our new logo to look like the play button icon which should tell that Ludosity Interactive is a game company. The logo is colored in blue and orange and you can also see two letters in the logo, the L and I of Ludosity Interactive. The homepage and logo was created with the help of our friends at Grebban Design. The co-operation with the guys worked flawless and they were always easy to get a hold of. And it is also a benefit that they sit about 100m away from us :)